By Imelda Caravaca Ferrer
You drew me near to you
with your charming, silent ways
and my unsuspecting heart
fell headlong.
I did not fall apart
the night you said
you can’t return my feelings.
I knew it all along
but still I told you
because it was my gift to you.
I loved you.
I love you still.
My heart beats
for no one else but you.
And in the darkness of the night,
in the middle of all
this silence,
I think of you.
I don’t want to
but I can’t help it.
A tear falls into my plate
as I hold back a sob,
my shoulders heave…
I’m eating well
but I have never felt
I am visited by pain
and my heart is torn.
I remain naked,
my heart exposed
as I lay bare its contents
for everyone to see.
I count the seconds,
minutes, days, perhaps weeks
it will take my heart to heal.
I looked up at the sky tonight
and all the stars have disappeared.
May 24, 2015/10:25 a.m.